Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Clothing, PPE & Accessories: Supply of Shirts and vests. Scope: 1. Shirt - Type: Combat; Style: Short sleeve; Size: Small; Specific Use: Law Enforcement; Specifications: Fabric: 65% Polyester / 35% Cotton, Colour, Navy Blue, Military style, glad neck collar, Royal blue piping around collar, Short sleeves, Shoulder straps for epaulettes, Epaulettes to have buttonholes at collar end, Button spacing of 7 cm, Two plain military style breast pockets with pocket flaps to be secured by means of buttons, Left hand pocket to have pen slit, Law Enforcement, embroidered above left pocket in gold, with 15mm size font, Qty: 200. 2. Shirt - Type: Combat; Style: Short sleeve; Size: Large; Specific Use: Law Enforcement; Specifications: Fabric: 65% Polyester / 35% Cotton, Colour, Navy Blue, Military style, glad neck collar, Royal blue piping around collar, Short sleeves, Shoulder straps for epaulettes, Epaulettes to have buttonholes at collar end, Button spacing of 7 cm, Two plain military style breast pockets with pocket flaps to be secured by means of buttons, Left hand pocket to have pen slit, Law Enforcement, embroidered above left pocket in gold, with 15mm size font, Qty: 140. 3. Vest - Type: Tactical; Size: Medium; Colour: Black; Specific Use: Law Enforcement; Specifications: Fabric, Heavy polyester/nylon blend mesh inner lining, Fabric, Nylon mesh outer, Colour, Black, Adjusting webbing straps along the side, Quick release plastic buckles, Chunky nylon zipper, Includes the following webbing pouches, 1 x handcuff pouch, 1 x two way radio pouch with measurements: 125mm x 50mm x 37.5mm and pocket flap with Velcro and twin-stretch cord to secure radio in position, 1 x ballpoint pen pouch, 1 x cell phone pouch, 1 x flashlight pouch, 1 x pepper spray pouch, 1 x pocketbook pouch, 2 x handgun magazine pouches, Tactical belt attached, All pouches to be fitted on the front of the vest, Law Enforcement wording the back, Qty: 50. Delivery Date: 2023/02/17. Delivery To: Law Enforcement Store, Materials Store. Delivery Address: 1 Berkley Road, Maitland. (Offerte №73051205it)


Nazione: South Africa
Linguaggio: EN
Numero: 73051205
Data pubblicazione: 09-11-2022


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Renovations and upgrade at Bellville campus Fonte: SA-Tenders

Repairs and renovations to Belhar campus workshop Fonte: SA-Tenders

The appointment of service provider to design, implement, maintain and support IT infrastructure for the period of 36 months Fonte: SA-Tenders

The supply and delivery of desktops for business campuses Fonte: SA-Tenders

SASSA: 31-22-CS-NW Leasing of office accommodation for SASSA North West Region(Grade B or Above Building) for a period of Five (05) Years in Ramotshere Moiloa,CBD Fonte: SA-Tenders

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Clothing, PPE & Accessories: Supply of Ear Plugs and Sunglasses. Scope: 1. Ear Plugs - Type: Reusable; Material: Easy to clean Polyurethane; Size: One size fits all; Specifications: Flange shaped, conforming material that is able to be inserted into the ear with ease, allowing it to comfortably adapt to the ear canal, each pair to be attached together with a headband cord and kept in a carrier case/bag. Suitable for moderate to high frequencies; Standards: SANS 50352-2:2008 and/or EN 352-2: 1993; Packaging: Transparent sealable packet identified with manufacturer"s credentials, directions for use and traceability code, Qty: 2,200 pairs. 2. Sunglasses - Type: Industrial Set; Specifications: 99.9% UV Filtration sunglasses with neck cord. Supplied in draw-string bag; Preferred: Uvex or equivalent, Qty: 1,620. Delivery Date: 2022/12/19. Delivery To: Logistics - Ndabeni Store, Clothing. Delivery Address: 25 Oude Molen Road, Ndabeni. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS