Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Development of four independent competent person’s reports for foundation funded programmes. Scope: The services required from the appointed service provider include, but not limited to the following: 1. Gather the required information of four Foundation funded consumer education programmes, namely: 1.1. Financial Literacy for Youth not in Education, Employment or Training; 1.2. Financial Literacy for Students in Tertiary Institutions; 1.3. Financial Literacy Speech Competition for Schools; and 1.4. Financial Literacy for the blind and practically sighted; 2. Assess if the programmes complied with the GN500 Standards for Consumer Education; 3. Provide a combined report of the programmes; and 4. Develop and design a comprehensive ICPR for each of the four consumer education programmes that outlines the GN500 requirements, the findings and conclusions based on the information gathered. (Offerte №79219928it)


Nazione: South Africa
Linguaggio: EN
Numero: 79219928
Data pubblicazione: 07-03-2023


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