Tenders are hereby invited for the following: Generator Stator Offline Tests. Scope of Work: - Provide test equipment and measuring equipment, including calibration certificates; - Provide resources with the level of competency required for the test; - Provide a PQP/QCP for review and acceptance by the component engineer and/or the system engineer. Note: PQPs/QCPs to include intervention points as per the customer SOW; - Prepare the test piece for the specified test and ensure that preparations are in line with requirements stated in the latest revision of the HV test procedure or work instruction; - Offline PD test on generator stator windings and IR/PI test before and after the PD test; - HV test on stator windings (hi-pot test as specified by the System Engineer) and IR/PI test before and after the HV test; - Tan Delta test on stator windings or stator bars according to EN BS 50209 and IR test after performing the Tan Delta test; - Provide a service report with details of the condition of the generator or windings during the test (including the stator coolant conductivity and wet IR results where applicable), name plate data indicating the serial number and insulation class, test voltage, test results, and recommendations; - Digital wedge tightness test on the generator stator radial wedging system. Note: Submit reports with recommendations and raw data/results in accessible electronic format. (Offerte №85010245it)


Nazione: South Africa
Linguaggio: EN
Numero: 85010245
Data pubblicazione: 29-05-2023


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