Formal price quotations are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of a suitable supplier for CCTV operator training. Specifications: Training Should: - Provide individuals with formal CCTV operator skills training standards; - Empowers learners to gain an understanding and knowledge of the fundamentals of security and CCTV security control room operations; - Aids in the development of highly effective and proactive CCTV security surveillance workforce; - Improves employment prospects and reduces a high staff turnover; - Enhances an ROI (return on investment). Expected Outcomes: - Students should be able to undertake the role CCTV Operator where they will track, log, and report activities within a specified control room environment. The course is designed anyone who requires formal training and certification in CCTV control room operations; - Prepare workstation for duty; - Monitor and action emergency and non-emergency signals; - Communicate effectively with the relevant role players; - Conclude operations for effective handover. (Offerte №94575630it)


Nazione: South Africa
Linguaggio: EN
Numero: 94575630
Data pubblicazione: 20-11-2023


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