Per allarme di sicurezza: appalti, appalti pubblici 2024. Pagina № 2


totale: 2789
13 dec
Re-Advertisement of Tender Number: SAWS-392/24. Bids are hereby invited for the acquisition, installation, and commissioning of two (2) solid state, dual-polarized X-Band Weather Radars in the Western Cape. Scope of work: The acquisition, installation, and commissioning of two (2) solid state dual-polarized X-Band weather radars includes, but is not limited to the following sub-activities that will be managed by a turnkey service provider: 1. System Design: - Detailed design of radar system and peripherals, - Interface design and data transfer description, 2. Radar Site Establishment: - The service provider to conduct full site suitability analysis, - Environmental Impact Assessment, - Electricity Supply & Connection (Eskom), - Site Layout and Electrical Plan, 3. Acquisition and Installation of the Radar System: - Acquisition process definition (Defining the acquisition process), - Radar System Transportation to the Site, - Civil Works, - Radome, - Radar Tower Erection, - Eskom Power Supplies to Radar Site, with a design for off-grid solar system or hybrid solar, system indicated as an option. - Power backup Systems (Generator & Bulk Diesel Tank), - Housing and environmental control systems, - Site security (clearvu or equivalent high security fence, Electric fence, CCTV for remote viewing, alarm system). 4. Commissioning, Training and Handover: - Communication system and data transmission that allows integration into the SAWS ICT Network, for example VSAT or available GSM networks, - Integration into the SAWS TITAN/LROSE Radar network, - Training of operators and maintenance technicians, - Commissioning, Testing and hand over. (EN) Aggiungi a preferiti
Scadenza per le domande in : 41 giorni

Numero: 115973786

Nazione: South Africa


12 dec

Numero: 115832593

Nazione: Jordan

Fonte: RFQ

11 dec

Numero: 115830156

Nazione: Azerbaijan

Fonte: RFQ

10 dec

Numero: 115740695

Nazione: Brazil

Fonte: RFQ

09 dec
Door Security Alarm (EN) Aggiungi a preferiti
Scadenza per le domande in : 69 giorni
Cliente: Made-in-china

Numero: 115677204

Nazione: Romania

Fonte: Made-in-china

05 dec
Key Holding, Alarm Response and Venue Security Services (EN) Aggiungi a preferiti
Prezzo del contratto iniziale : 1 023 480 (EUR)
Importo originario: 900 000 (GBP)

Scadenza per le domande in : 23 giorni
Cliente: Wirral Borough Council

Numero: 115444861

Nazione: United Kingdom

Fonte: Contracts Finder

04 dec

Numero: 115295651

Nazione: United States

Fonte: RFQ