sui lavori di finitura: appalti, appalti pubblici 2025. Pagina № 2


totale: 342
02 feb

Numero: 118311218

Nazione: Albania

Fonte: United Nations

27 jan
Miscellaneous Finishing works in Chemical House at PVUNL Patratu (EN) Aggiungi a preferiti
Cliente: Central public Procurement portal India

Numero: 117972161

Nazione: India

Fonte: Central public Procurement portal India

24 jan
Cliente: Central public Procurement portal India

Numero: 117876718

Nazione: India

Fonte: Central public Procurement portal India

16 jan
Quotations are hereby requested for the appointment of a suitably qualified structural engineering consulting firm for the design of a free-standing lattice mast at the despatch transmitter site. Scope of works: The client requires a new mast and foundation constructed in the same position as the existing mast structure, as a replacement for the existing Triax mast, with the following characteristics: • Maximum mast height of 15m above existing Triax mast foundation level, • Hot dip galvanizing to all structural steel works, • A freestanding lattice mast of angle iron leg/angle iron bracing with a face width dependent on design and the requirement to climb internally, • The mast structure to be sized, in terms of structural capacity, to accommodate existing antennas and other mast furniture as well as limited future site sharer antennas, with the limit being the physical mast characteristics/physical space available on the mast structure, • Internal vertical antenna cable ladder, • Internal vertical mast climbing ladder, • Footrest platforms at a vertical spacing of not greater than 8m, • Lightning final, • Augmented foundation to accommodate the requirements of the new freestanding lattice mast, • The existing foundation to be augmented, and only connecting copper strips will be required. Mast copper earthing system with a connection to the existing site/foundation earthing system, • Mast finishing to be a duplex system(Hot Dipped Galvanized and be coated with extra protection (C4 corrosion category). The paint system with a total min dtf of 240um). (EN) Aggiungi a preferiti

Numero: 117466371

Nazione: South Africa


01 jan
Finishing works in Office and Utility areas of FFP at FRFCF project site, Kalpakkam (EN) Aggiungi a preferiti
Cliente: Central public Procurement portal India

Numero: 116992112

Nazione: India

Fonte: Central public Procurement portal India