Waterloo Housing Group (Birmingham, United Kingdom CSTMR№327851): contatti, indirizzo, e-mail, offerte

E-mail: [email protected]
Telefono: +44 1737249475
Nazione: United Kingdom
Città: Birmingham
Indirizzo: Waterloo Housing Group
1700 Solihull Parkway, Birmingham Business park
B37 7YD
United Kingdom
Contact point(s): B37 7YD
For the attention of: Jeremy Lake
Telephone: +44 1737249475
E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: +44 1737242012
Internet address(es):
General address: www.waterloo.org.uk
Address of the buyer profile: www.waterloo.org.uk

e altri ... Clienti

Numero: 327846

Nazione: France

Numero: 327848

Nazione: Poland

Numero: 327850

Nazione: Portugal

Fonte: TED