L24105-T-SG - Specialist Lift & Escalator Consultancy (Offerte №113179441it)


Nazione: United Kingdom
Linguaggio: EN
Numero: 113179441
Data pubblicazione: 30-10-2024


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Accesso completo
Quotations are hereby invited for the supply and delivery of PPE at Saldanha Terminal. Specifications: • 75 pairs x glove nitrile dura flex PU - size: medium, • 75 pairs x glove nitrile dura flex PU - size: large, • 48 x specs wrapround amber, • 20 x goggle dust & safety (direct vent wide vision goggle), • 24 x cap safety nikki white hard hat, • 1 x rainjacket "maxden" green - size: medium, • 1 x raintrouser "maxden" green - size: medium, • 1 x rainjacket "maxden" green - size: extra large, • 1 x raintrouser "maxden" green - size: extra large, • 1 pair x gumboot, steel toe size: 9, • 1 x zero working life jacket, size: medium. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Formal written quotations are hereby requested to develop and/or update the Operational and Maintenance (O & M) Manuals for the Riverview, Naauwpoort, Ganala and Rietspruit Wastewater Treatment Plant. As a minimum the manuals need to comply with the Department of Public Works Basic Requirements for the Operation and Maintenance Manual Guidelines for Wastewater Treatment Works which provides for the following: The following description must appear on the developed documents: 1. Purpose of Manual, 2. General Requirement, 2.1 Copies, 2.2 Responsibility, 2.3 Equipment, 2.4 Electrical Manuals, 2.5 As Built Manuals, 2.6 As Built Drawings, 2.7 Mythology, 2.8 Size, 3. Format, 4. Description & Flow Diagram, 5. Monitoring & Reporting, 6. Daily Task & Monthly Program, 7. Flow Measurement, 8. Inet Works, 9. Primary Sedimentation, 10. Biological Trickling Filtration, 11. Activated Sludge Reactor, 12. Final Clarifier Reactor, 13. Disinfection, 14. Tertiary Treatment, 15. Irrigation, 16. Final Effluent Discharge, 17. Pumping System, 18. Sludge Handling, 19. Size, Capacities & Criteria, 20. Safety Aspects, 21. Power Interruption & Standby Generator, 22. Classification of Plant as per new regulation 3630, 23. Equipment Manuals, 24. Electrical Works, 25. As Built Drawings. Please confirm the closing time as it was not published. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the services of a Professional Service Provider (PSP) to conduct the classification and management of sewage sludge for Phola, Rietspruit and Ga-Nala WWTW in terms of the green drop requirements. Scope of work: The PSP must develop a full detailed report as per the GDS guideline and the final report must be accompanied by the certificate of analysis of the classification certificate. Please confirm the closing time as it was not published. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Provision of Security Services Fonte: gov.uk Contracts Finder

GB-London: 899518074 Low Carbon Fuels for Rail Research SUS-TEC-2 Task 4 Fonte: gov.uk Contracts Finder

DGM/2045-Procurement of Marine Marker Capability Fonte: gov.uk Contracts Finder