Provision of care and support services for residents with learning disabilities at Emlyn Gardens supported living scheme (Offerte №115984815it)


Nazione: United Kingdom
Linguaggio: EN
Numero: 115984815
Data pubblicazione: 13-12-2024
Prezzo del contratto iniziale : 18 195 197 424 951 (EUR)
Importo originario: 16 000 002 900 000 (GBP)



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Adaptive Cycling Fonte: Contracts Finder

Дріт зварюв. Порошковий 0.8мм/1кг Е71Т-GS на катушці - пластик Fonte: ДЕРЖЗАКУПІВЛІ.ОНЛАЙН

The London Borough of Hillingdon is seeking a local Healthwatch Services Provider. The London Borough of Hillingdon welcomes qualified and experienced providers to tender. The successful provider will be award a Contract for an initial term of 5 years extendable subject to applicable contractual terms and service review for a period of 3 years, giving a total of 8 years (the Term). The Service Provider will be responsible for ensuring delivery of the eight statutory functions for the local Healthwatch as prescribed under section 221 of the Local Government and Public Involvement in Health Act, 2007, as amended by the Health and Social Care Act, 2012 a Fonte: Contracts Finder

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Пензель нейлоновий Fonte: ДЕРЖЗАКУПІВЛІ.ОНЛАЙН

The London Borough of Hillingdon is seeking one provider for each lot to collaborate with other local organisations to tender for the provision of Information, Advice. Guidance and Wellbeing provider in Hillingdon to provide a universal high quality, consistent and integrated Information, Advice and Guidance Service. This service would play an important role in maximising peoples independence and help to prevent reliance as well as dependency. For full details of the lot please review the tender documents available in Proactis. Lot 1 information, advice, guidance and wellbeing support - adults (18+) £750k per annum The Contract will Fonte: Contracts Finder