Shimadzu Instruments Preventative Maintenance (Offerte №108832268it)


Nazione: United States
Linguaggio: UK
Numero: 108832268
Data pubblicazione: 08-08-2024


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Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of 1000 bags of cold mix. Scope: Cold asphalt premix crusher dust: - 25kg environmentally friendly cold asphalt premix; - Suitable for all road surfacing; - Open to lightweight traffic; - Strong and durable; - Skid-resistant surface; - Environmentally friendly and non-hazardous; - Ideal for pothole repairs, patching trenches, and re-surfacing existing asphalt. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

The Council for the Built Environment (CBE) invites quotations from potential service providers to provide catering for the BEWN Woman’s month celebrations with TUT Student Faculty Council Engineering and Built Environment (SFC-EBE) as per the specification. Service provider to arrange refreshments for 200 delegates attending the Women"s Month celebrations for the Student Faculty Council – Engineering and Built Environment at TUT Building 11, Pretoria West Campus on 23 August 2024. Scope of work: The CBE seeks to appoint a service provider to provide catering services for two hundred (200) delegates for 23 August 2024 at 13h00, attending the Women’s Month celebrations for the SFCEBE. Venue: Tshwane University of Technology, Main Campus, Building 11 Auditorium. Catering specification: All meals: - Must be neatly presented, good quality and quantity should be enough, - Food for two hundred (200) should be served in steady foam packs. Catering services must: - Comply with health and hygiene standards when preparing and serving food, - Provide professional and friendly catering staff, - Provide disposable cutlery, foam packs and serviettes, - Ensure delivery of water at 10h00 and lunch at 13h00, - Ensure catering is adequate for two hundred (200) delegates. Date of function: 23 August 2024. No. of Pax: 200. 10H00: 250ml still water x 200 and 500ml Juice x 200. 13H00: Lunch: • Pap, • Gravy, • 2 salads (chakalaka & potato salad), • Steak & chicken drumstick, • One (1) x 300ml soft drink can per delegate. Please note that this quotation was published late. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement: Addition of Briefing Session Details: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Construction of Bakgatla Ba Mosetlha Kgwadi Kraal Phase 2. Specifications: 1. 65 x 1.5m palisade fencing and gate 4 1,5m x 1; 2. Guard room 3 X 3m x 1; 3. Stone plaque on the wall large 5 x 10cm x 1; 4. 2 line brick sidewalk (stoup) plastered and polished around the existing thatch house 7 x 7m x 1; 5. Painting inside & outside the thatch house 7 x 7m blue and white x 1. Please note that this quotation was published late. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider to develop a tourism marketing video of tourism attractions within the King Sabata Dalindyebo Municipality. Specifications: The Video must include a brief foreword about the Municipality and all attraction areas within the KSD Municipality: • Hole in the wall, • Coffee Bay, • Nelson Mandela Museum (Bhunga Building), • The Nelson Mandela Museum in Qunu, • Mvezo - Cultural Village, • Historical Buildings, • Universities, • Hospitals, • Airport, • Shopping Malls (BT Ngebs, Circus Triangle and Mthatha Plaza), • Accommodation Establishments (Mayfair, Garden Court, Ocean View-Coffee Bay and Savoy Hotel), • B&Bs (with high grading), • Homestays in Coffee Bay & Qunu, • Stadiums (Sports Facilities), • Eastern Cape Craft Hub, Nomabali Arts and Craft Centre, • Qokolweni Falls, • Mthatha Community Arts Centre, • Nduli Nature Reserve and Luchaba Nature Reserve, • Mthatha Dam and Mabheleni Dam, • KSD Visitor Information Centres, • Kwa Ntozonke Market, • KSD Precinct Plans (Vulindlela Industrial Park Precinct, Mthatha SEZ/Airport Precinct, Buwa Precinct, Automotive Precinct, Ngangelizwe Precinct, Qunu Heritage Precinct, Ncambedlana Surrounds Precinct, Viedgesville Logistics Hub Precinct, Mthatha Stadium Sport Precinct, Mthatha Dam/Ncambele Precinct, Hole in the Wall Precinct, Silverton Development Precinct, N2 Junction Precinct, Southridge Park Precinct and Baziya & Mvezo rural-areas Precinct). Please note that this RFQ was published late. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Verlagerung HM railjet - Errichtung von Punktfundamenten für Stahlkonstruktion Fonte: PROVIA bieterportal

Verlagerung HM railjet - Stahlbau Fonte: PROVIA bieterportal