43--PUMP,ROTARY (Offerte №110313946it)


Nazione: United States
Linguaggio: UK
Numero: 110313946
Data pubblicazione: 04-09-2024


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Accesso completo
Re-advertisement: Bids are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of service provider to procure calibration equipment for polarimeter. Specifications: - Calibration of an automatic Atago Polarimeter AP-300 using a Quartz plate (degree of polarization) and for temperature. Delivery address: 20 Steve Biko/Beatrix Street, Agriculture Place Building, Room W-GF-02, Arcadia, Pretoria, 0001. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of cleaning material at Tugela Vaal area office as per specifications. Scope: • Cleaner, toilet bowl, 750ml (equivalent to Domestos); • Cleaner, detergent, 750ml (equivalent to Handy Andy); • Liquid soap, 750ml, dish washing (equivalent to Sunlight Liquid); • Cleaner, floor, pine gel, 5L; • Air freshener, 180ml; • Cleaner, hand with grit, 500gr; • Rags, cleaning cotton rags, 5kg; • Car wash & wax shampoo, 1L; • Furniture polish, 300ml (equivalent to Mr Min); • Floor polish, liquid 5L; • Cleaner, glass, 1L (Windolene); • Insecticide, 300ml (equivalent to Doom); • Mop, complete with wooden handle, 500g; • Broom, office, soft, with wooden handle complete, 300mm head; • Feather duster, ostrich, 900mm; • Feather duster, ostrich, 1.8mm; • Broom, carpet, complete with wooden handle; • Dust pan, metal; • Rake, plastic, complete, 19 teeth with wooden handle; • Refuse bin, 85L, black, 450 x 630mm with lid. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited for the appointment of a contractor for the following: Mananga Land Ports of Entry: 36 months infrastructure maintenance and repairs of buildings, civil, mechanical, electrical and installations. Required at: Mpumalanga. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS


61--POWER SUPPLY Fonte: Federal Business Opportunities

53--BRACKET,MOUNTING Fonte: Federal Business Opportunities