0-19 Public Health Nursing Service & Healthy Child Programme (Offerte №108832270it)


Nazione: Anguilla
Linguaggio: AI
Numero: 108832270
Data pubblicazione: 08-08-2024


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Accesso completo
Re-Advertisement: Addition of Briefing Session Details: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Construction of Bakgatla Ba Mosetlha Kgwadi Kraal Phase 2. Specifications: 1. 65 x 1.5m palisade fencing and gate 4 1,5m x 1; 2. Guard room 3 X 3m x 1; 3. Stone plaque on the wall large 5 x 10cm x 1; 4. 2 line brick sidewalk (stoup) plastered and polished around the existing thatch house 7 x 7m x 1; 5. Painting inside & outside the thatch house 7 x 7m blue and white x 1. Please note that this quotation was published late. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider to develop a tourism marketing video of tourism attractions within the King Sabata Dalindyebo Municipality. Specifications: The Video must include a brief foreword about the Municipality and all attraction areas within the KSD Municipality: • Hole in the wall, • Coffee Bay, • Nelson Mandela Museum (Bhunga Building), • The Nelson Mandela Museum in Qunu, • Mvezo - Cultural Village, • Historical Buildings, • Universities, • Hospitals, • Airport, • Shopping Malls (BT Ngebs, Circus Triangle and Mthatha Plaza), • Accommodation Establishments (Mayfair, Garden Court, Ocean View-Coffee Bay and Savoy Hotel), • B&Bs (with high grading), • Homestays in Coffee Bay & Qunu, • Stadiums (Sports Facilities), • Eastern Cape Craft Hub, Nomabali Arts and Craft Centre, • Qokolweni Falls, • Mthatha Community Arts Centre, • Nduli Nature Reserve and Luchaba Nature Reserve, • Mthatha Dam and Mabheleni Dam, • KSD Visitor Information Centres, • Kwa Ntozonke Market, • KSD Precinct Plans (Vulindlela Industrial Park Precinct, Mthatha SEZ/Airport Precinct, Buwa Precinct, Automotive Precinct, Ngangelizwe Precinct, Qunu Heritage Precinct, Ncambedlana Surrounds Precinct, Viedgesville Logistics Hub Precinct, Mthatha Stadium Sport Precinct, Mthatha Dam/Ncambele Precinct, Hole in the Wall Precinct, Silverton Development Precinct, N2 Junction Precinct, Southridge Park Precinct and Baziya & Mvezo rural-areas Precinct). Please note that this RFQ was published late. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Verlagerung HM railjet - Errichtung von Punktfundamenten für Stahlkonstruktion Fonte: PROVIA bieterportal

Verlagerung HM railjet - Stahlbau Fonte: PROVIA bieterportal

Shimadzu Instruments Preventative Maintenance Fonte: Federal Business Opportunities

0-19 Public Health Nursing Service & Healthy Child Programme Fonte: Supplying The South West – regional tender portal