Sulle forme: South Africa appalti, appalti pubblici 2025


totale: 102
04 feb
Bids are hereby invited for professional service providers framework (term) contract for multi-disciplinary PSP services for the Client"s implementation programme for a period of 48 months. Scope: Category 1: Strategic Planning Disciplines: - National/Provincial Development Plans; - National/Provincial Master Planning; - Water Service Authority or District Municipality Client reliability service delivery planning; - WSA WSDP planning support; - Compliance/Monitoring & evaluation plans and strategies; - Investment Frameworks & Costing modules; - Other Sector Departments vs community supply alignment plans; - Catchment Management Planning; - Water Conservation and Water Demand Management (WC/WDM) plans and strategies; - Disaster Management Plans; - Emergency Programme Management; - Floods and Drought Relief; - Other Disaster related projects; - Needs assessment; - Any other Client Services topic related plans. Category 2: Project Specific Implementation Professional Services Disciplines: - Scoping Report; - Infrastructure Conditional assessment; - Technical Report; - Feasibility Studies; - Project Business Plans; - Preliminary Design Report including drawings. Special Services related to the development of feasibility, preliminary and detailed design reports, as well as implementation readiness studies, including: - Stakeholder, Community Involvement/engagements (Social Facilitation); - Institutional arrangements; - Environmental Impact Assessments and authorizations; - Land issues, wayleaves and servitude applications; - Geo Hydrological modelling; - Hydrological modelling; - Water Use License Application (WULA); - Water Balance (including WCWDM); - Topographic, Geotechnical, geohydrology, hydrology investigations; - Corrosion protection analysis; - Disaster/Climate change and power-outage resilient infrastructure considerations Surge and Water Hammer Analysis; - Cost-Benefit Analysis; - Financial modelling; - Tariff modelling and determination; - Socio Economic Aspects; - Capacity Building; - Any options like for example Public Private Partnerships; - Supporting Sourcing other forms of funding; - Operation and Maintenance plans; - Development of bankable offtake agreements; - Implementation Readiness Studies; - Update Geo Database with required information; - Detailed design Report including drawings; - Contract Tendering and adjudication Processes; - Contract Supervision Services. (EN) Aggiungi a preferiti

Numero: 118400929

Nazione: South Africa


02 feb
Formal Written Price Quotations are hereby invited for Courier services to Johannesburg and stand build and breakdown. Scope of Work: - The service provider will be expected to collect the consignment from the pickup address in Stellenbosch and deliver it to the Expo venue in Johannesburg, and then transport it back to Stellenbosch. The service provider will also be required to assist with the build and breakdown of the expo stand. - Tourism Officials will provide the items. Examples of items to be collected and delivered will include marketing collateral such as brochures, branded items, and the exhibition stand, which includes poles, etc. Items to be included under this deliverable include, but are not limited to, boxes, packages, containers, or any other miscellaneous items. - If indicated by the client, the items must be collected from the offices of the District Municipality at the corner of Langenhoven & Bird Street, Stellenbosch, and delivered to the physical addresses in Johannesburg as indicated by the relevant client official. - The service provider should ensure that the consignment has additional wrapping and packaging when being transported to Johannesburg. - All goods must be properly transported to protect the contents against damage due to rough handling, transit, or while in storage. - All containers (including packing cases, boxes, and wrappings) supplied by the service provider shall be considered as non-returnable, and the cost shall be included in the quoted price. - The consignment must be collected immediately after the clients has provided the service provider with an official order or within a mutually agreed timeframe between the clients and the successful service provider. - The estimated weight of the consignment is approximately ± 750 kg. The build of the stand is approximately 18 square meters. The stand must be picked up on the 17th of February, 2025, around 10:00 AM. The stand must be built on Thursday, 20th February 2025, and finished by 15:00. Breakdown is on Sunday, 23rd February 2025, at 16:00, and the items must be delivered on Tuesday, 25th February 2025, at the clients offices in Stellenbosch. - Delivery of goods must be made in accordance with the instructions outlined on the official order forms issued by the client. - All deliveries or dispatches must be accompanied by a delivery note stating the official order number against which the delivery has been made. (EN) Aggiungi a preferiti

Numero: 118311157

Nazione: South Africa


10 sep
Quotations/proposals are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider to provide once-off employee wellness services to assist with the debriefing counselling services and employee assistance services for September 2024 and November 2024. Detailed specification: 1. For September 2024 request debriefing for online monitors – 5 employees – one session - one Therapist (at a venue, the Unit will confirm) Compliance Officers – 14 employees – one session - one Therapist – (Online session): • Classifiers – 39 of them 1 session per quarter – (Online session) two; • Therapist needed for the session the group will be divided into two; • Wellness day intervention – training session on Prostate Cancer and preventative screening – 40 male attendants (at a venue, the Unit will confirm); • Counselling/Trauma Counselling requests for employees when requested. 2. For November 2024 requests – debriefing for online monitors- 6 employees - one session per quarter (at a venue, the Unit will confirm): • Compliance officers 14 employees - (online session) – one Therapist; • Classifiers – 39 of them 1 session per quarter – (online session) two; • Therapist needed for the session the group will be divided into two. 3. Counselling/trauma counselling requests for employees when requested: The services will be paid as per services rendered: Reporting requirements: • Each debriefing session and or training session must be accompanied with a formal report on the outcome, actions required and recommended interventions from an emotional wellness perspective. Records of attendance forms part of the report. (EN) Aggiungi a preferiti

Numero: 110628624

Nazione: South Africa


26 aug
Tenders are hereby invited from service providers for the following: Appointment of a service provider for the provision of short- term insurance and risk services for the period of 36 months. Scope of works: The service provider will be expected to cover all the assets that are on the Dr Pixley Ka Isaka Seme Local Municipality’s assets register. The service provider will be expected to address the following risk areas: a) Office contents - Furniture and Fittings, b) Accounts receivable - Loss or damage by accident to the books of accounts/records, consequently unable to trace outstanding Debit balances, c) Business All Risk - As per Dr Pixley Ka Isaka Seme Local Municipality Asset Register e.g. laptops, d) Theft - Damage to contents, at any building as a result of theft accompanied by forcible entry into or exit from the building, e) Stated benefits (Employees and Councilors) - 24 hour cover for bodily injury by accident, violent, external, internal and visible means to employees and councilors while performing their duties, f) Money, g) Business Interruption, h) Electronic equipment - Physical loss or damage to property belonging to Dr Pixley Ka Isaka Seme Local Municipality or held by Dr Pixley Ka Isaka Seme Local Municipality in trust or on commission for which they are responsible for, i) Motor - Comprehensive cover for damage/loss of motor vehicles, j) Glass - Internal and External Glass (including mirrors) all fixed internal & external glass at all municipal premises, k) Public Liability - Loss or damage to third party property or injury/death to third parties due including but not limited to the following: - Wrongful Arrest and defamation, - Errors & omissions, - Products liability and defective workmanship, - Pedal Cycles, - Legal Defense costs, - Professional Liability in respect of Medical Practitioners or other Medical officials- - Spread of fire, - Municipal Police liability, - Use of firearms, l) Employer’s Liability - Death or bodily injury or illness of any person employed under a contract of service, and which occurs in the course of and in connection with such person’s employment, m) South African Special Risk Insurance Association - for motor and non -motor for Municipal Assets and Councilor’s which may be caused by Riots and strikes, n) Fidelity Guarantee - Cover against commercial crime/fraud caused by hackers or Dr Pixley Ka Isaka Seme Local Municipality employees, o) Combined Risk - Cover against all property constructed of brick, stone, concrete or metal on metal framework and roofed with slate, tiles, metal, concrete, Asbestos or thatch, p) Insured Risks (Combined): Fire, lightning, thunderbolts, subterranean fire, explosions, implosions, spontaneous combustion, fermentation, charring, smoke, storm, wind, water, hail or snow, earthquake, earth tremor, aircraft, impact, theft and accidental damage, q) Support - One-on-one dedicated Claims Consultant with an alternate to assist with claims, r) Claims - claims must be resolved within 30 calendar days from the date of submission of a completed and signed claim forms, s) Innovations - Any additional extras. (EN) Aggiungi a preferiti

Numero: 109782220

Nazione: South Africa


14 jun

Numero: 105954504

Nazione: South Africa

Fonte: SA-Tenders