GENERAL-Repair and maintenance of UG clinic-in department of Pedodontics, Dental college Thiruvananthapuram-General Electrical Work (Offerte №105492067it)


Nazione: India
Linguaggio: EN
Cliente: eTendering System Government of Kerala
Numero: 105492067
Data pubblicazione: 04-06-2024


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Accesso completo
Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Procurement of recruitment agency. The NLSA requires the services of a Recruitment Agency to fill the following positions: • OHS Officer; • HR Manager; • Board Secretary; • Executive Director: Corporate Services. Scope: • Recruitment Agency is to: - Advertise the positions; - Screen all applications; - Conduct the first round of interviews; - Submit to the NLSA at 5 CVs of candidates who meet the minimum requirements of the positions as per the attached advertisements; - Once the NLSA has interviewed the recommended candidates, the NLSA will submit to the Recruitment Agency the two recommended candidates. The Recruitment Agency is to conduct background checks (ID, criminal and qualifications) of the three recommended candidates and submit the reports to the NLSA; • The NLSA will issue offer letters to the preferred candidates; • The NLSA will sign contracts of appointment with the preferred candidates who accept the NLSA’s offers of employment. The duration of the contract will be confirmed with the successful service provider. The NLSA expects the appointed service provider to commence with this project as soon as the purchase order is issued. The NLSA requires these positions as soon as possible. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Umzumbe Local Municipality requests quotations for the following: Supply and installation of pole bins for Waste Management Unit. Specification: 50 (fifty) 25L Pole bins: - These bins will be installed both in Cluster A and Cluster D, Bins Specification: - Colour: Green, - Branded with new Umzumbe logo, - Signage: “please keep area clean” – “udoti ulahlwa lapha". Service Provider to liaise with Waste Management Office prior to design and delivery of the bin. Delivery Address: Umzumbe offices. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Supply and Installation of Customized Furniture, Kitchen Equipment, Gymnasium Equipment and other items for P.G. Boys Hostel at VJTI, Matunga, Mumbai. Fonte: Central public Procurement portal India

Purchase of the Sports Trophies Fonte: Central public Procurement portal India

GENERAL- Replacement of damaged cooling coil at SSB-Urgent Replacement of damaged cooling coils in various AHUs of operation theatres at SSB MCH Thiruvananthapuram-Electrical AC Work Fonte: Central public Procurement portal India

GENERAL-Replacement of damaged cooling coils ( Neurology OP and Nephrology OP)-Urgent Replacement of damaged cooling coils in various AHUs of Neurology OP and Nephrology OP at SSB MCH, Thiruvananthapuram.-Electrical AC Work Fonte: Central public Procurement portal India