The City of uMhlathuze requests quotations for the following: Replace 11kV faulty 3core PILC cable between Alumina Allee 5 and Bronze Bar One mini-substations, qty: 1. Scope of work: The cable between the two mini-subs is faulty in many positions and has been cut, tested but still faulty. The cable is 300m long, is crossing Alumina Alle Street. The cable to be replaced is a 240mm PILC aluminium 3core cable. The awarded contractor to do the following: 1. Open a trench to lay the cable of about 300m long from one mini-sub to another by following the route of the old cable, 2. Do pipe jacking across alumina Allee Street from one side of the road to the other, as cables do not go through pipes, 3. The depth of the trench should be that of the old cable or 1m, 4. Service provider must have transport to collect the cable or materials from stores to site, 5. Lay the cable into the trench from mini-sub to mini-sub, 6. Do terminations according to the correct standard of terminating on both sides of the cable, the terminations should be indoor terminations, 7. Prove the cable’s insulation between phases then to earth after both terminations have been completed, record results and submit to CoU’s project manager, 8. The project manager will arrange an outage for the service provider to connect the cable and insulate the connections on both mini-substations, 9. Refilling after work is completed, CoU’s representative has checked the quality of work, is satisfied with insulation tests, pressure testing and has received all test results, 10. Insuring the tidiness of the area after completion. (Offerte №100832951it)


Nazione: South Africa
Linguaggio: EN
Numero: 100832951
Data pubblicazione: 06-03-2024


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Medical Waste Management Contract: for the collection, disposal, supply and delivery of medical waste, containers and plastics within the LimLanga Cluster on an “as and when” required basis over a period of 60 months. Fonte: SA-Tenders


Global Flux International Consultancy seeks to conduct a supplier prequalification exercise for 2024-2026. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa, Johannesburg invites quotations for the appointment of a service provider for the supply, installation and commissioning of overhead track equipment for three cross overs at Metrorail Pretoria North Train Station, Gauteng Province. Scope: 1. Removal of feeder wires between masts 14/398 and 14/167 and transport old material to Rebecca Stores, unit: sum, qty: 1, 2. Supply and install section insulators complete with contact and tiger wires on both sides, with new number boards/insulating straps (section insulators number 26, 16 and 19) with splices for both contact and tiger, unit: Each, qty: 3, 3. Supply and install of 161mm² copper contact wire, unit: m, qty: 730, 4. Supply and install 160mm² tiger wire aluminium, unit: m, qty: 730, 5. Supply and install tiger dropper clips (160mm²), unit: each, qty: 100, 6. Supply and install droppers, unit: each, qty: 100, 7. Supply and install make off for contact and tiger wires complete (incl. brackets, insulators, buckles, fittings, and all other accessories) at ML 14/398, unit: each, qty: 1, 8. Supply and install cross spans under the bridge complete with accessories, unit: each, qty: 4, 9. Supply and install bridge fitting, unit: each, qty: 1, 10. Supply and install single suspension complete (for both contact and tiger) with accessories, unit: each, qty: 17, 11. Supply and install contact knuckles, unit: each, qty: 9, 12. Supply and install cross contact knuckles, unit: each, qty: 10, 13. Supply and installation of push pull pipes, unit: each, qty: 4, 14. Supply and install steady arm attachment complete with accessories, unit: each, qty: 17, 15. Supply and install contact dropper clips, unit: each, qty: 100. Please confirm the contract number. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Traffic Signal Controllers, qty: 2 Sum. Scope: Supply and install two traffic signal controllers, complete with standard municipal box, concrete footing, field switch box, complete wiring to electrical standard, for the signalization for one new and replacement of one existing at: - New - the Anglers Rod / Knorhaan Baai intersection in Meerensee and - Replace existing at Intersection Alumina Allee and Carbonode Cell. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS