Fornitura e manutenzione del software: appalti, appalti pubblici 2025


totale: 184
13 feb

Numero: 118915262

Fonte: Gebiz

08 jan

Numero: 117188611

Nazione: South Africa


23 dec
Erratum: Amendment to tender documents: Quotations are hereby invited for the upgrade of Cisco internal network equipment and services for the Eastern Cape Office of The Premier for a period of 36 months, with a 5-year warranty and Smartnet 8x5xNBD support. Scope of work: The scope of this project encompasses the following: (a) Procurement of ICT network equipment to replace the existing old equipment at the EC Office of The Premier: - Migration of existing configurations to new equipment or configuration of new equipment, whichever is applicable. (b) Procure Cisco switches (1 x 24-port POE L2 switch): - Supply and install network switch. - Labelling of switch. - Provide design and related configuration documentation. - Configure, commission, and decommission network switch infrastructure. - Testing. (c) Procure Cisco wireless controllers and access points to meet current standard of ICT infrastructure at EC Office of The Premier: - Supply and install POE access points. - Supply and install wireless controllers. - Provide spectrum analysis (heat maps). - Configure network Wi-Fi infrastructure. - Labelling of access points. - Mounting of access points. - Testing. (d) Procure network modules to meet current standard of ICT infrastructure at EC Office of The Premier. (e) Provide additional Cisco Smartnet 8x5xNBD warranty for 5 years. (f) Bi-annual proactive maintenance: - Bi-annual remote equipment inspection and status report with recommendations. (g) Software and firmware version updates and security recommendations. (EN) Aggiungi a preferiti

Numero: 116512146

Nazione: South Africa


25 nov
Tenders are hereby invited for the maintaining, service, repair, and statutory testing of fire detection system at Duvha Power Station, this includes fire detection system at Duvha Village for a period of five (5) years. Maintenance and Service of Fire Detection System involves the following: • All alarms, faults and conditions displayed on Fire Panels should be investigated, repaired and faults cleared – special care should be taken for the same alarms, faults & conditions not re-appear within 48 hours. • Repair field faults and replace faulty equipment as required, including the Fire Damper equipment like Actuators, IO Modules and 24 Volt Power Supplies to the Fire Dampers. • Repair faulty field wiring and faults that are logged on the Fire Panels, including Fibre Optic cables and Fibre-to-copper convertors and all related equipment. • Installation, Commissioning and testing of all wiring, Field Equipment, Detectors, Fire Dampers and Fire panels when required. • Install / replace Fire Prevention Cushions / Seal bags in cable tunnel cable cavities as required. Inspect all the cable entries and Fire Cushions on yearly basis or as and when required. • Do all other required maintenance on the Fire Detection System as required and notified. • Re-route or move Field Wiring, Equipment and Fire Panels as and when required. • Programming and updating of software versions on Fire Panels for existing and new equipment to be done as and when required. Upgrading or changing Equipment addresses and descriptions on Fire Panels and drawings when required. • Fire Dampers and related Field Equipment and Power Supply Units must be maintained and tested to ensure that they are active and enabled on the Fire Panels. Activation of Fire dampers need to be investigated to distinguish between real or false alarms. Fire Dampers must be opened / closed manually or reset via the Fire Panels on request or as and when required. EMD Air-condition department need to be informed about closed Fire dampers and dampers need to be opened/closed as and when required. • A communication Link must be established and maintained between the Fire Detection System and the air-condition Building Management System (BMS). Care must be taken that any Fire damper activation info must be correctly signalled / communicated to the BMS to ensure that the correct air condition system is switched off or restarted when Fire alarm is cleared and the Fire dampers opened. • Monitor, reset and repair alarms due to the activation of Fire Deluge valves on site. • Testing and installation of pressure switches on the fire protection systems. • Spares and materials will be supplied by Eskom, unless otherwise specified. Contract Controller need to be informed timeously about any spare and material requirements. • Report all true Fire Conditions & Alarms, False Alarms, damaged and disabled Fire Detection Equipment timeously to the Contract Controller. There will never be a situation where the Contract Controller is unaware of certain Fire System Conditions / limitations / damaged equipment or disabled equipment – the Fire Detection Contractor will be held responsible in such instances. • Investigations and Alarm printouts will be made in case of any Fire- or explosion conditions to prove that the Fire Detection System operated correctly or not. Comprehensive reports will be compiled within the shortest possible time frame. The Contractor will provide all possible expertise needed to do these investigations and will assist Eskom with insurance claims that might arise from such an incident. • Provided training to Eskom personnel to operate the Fire Panels and other Fire Detection Equipment when required. • Update drawings and manuals to as-build on site and provide Eskom with latest updated master copy of all programming on Hard copies, CD-ROM and/or USB Flash drive. Two hard copies of all drawings must up be neatly filed and kept on site. Drawings must be updated and kept current at all times. • Passwords to all Fire Panels will be provided to the Contract Controller. • Service Team should be on site from 07H00 to 16H15, 5 day a week. • Servicing Team reports to the Contract Controller, Selobalobane Riba, of Duvha Power Station on arrival and before leaving site. (EN) Aggiungi a preferiti

Numero: 114731830

Nazione: South Africa


28 oct
All the prospective service providers are invited to register on the College Database to render the following services: Health and Safety Certificate required list of services: 1. Advertisement; 2. Building and Construction (CIDB is required); 3. Catering (Catering Certificate); 4. Clearing Services; 5. Cleaning materials; 6. Workshop Equipment"s; 7. Computer Consumable; 8. Computer Hardware and Software; 9. Event Management; 10. Office Equipment Accessories, Suppliers and Maintenance; 11. Security and Surveillance Services; 12. Stationery; 13. Telecommunication; 14. Veterinary Services; 15. Audio - Visual Equipment; 16. Electronic Equipment"s Repair and Supply (CIDB is required); 17. Transport; 18. Couriers Services; 19. Maintenance and Supply of fire extinguishers (CIDB is required); 20. Maintenance and Supply of air conditioners (CIDB is required); 21. Refilling of gas; 22. Hospitality Equipment"s Pest Control; 23. Pest Control; 24. Protective Clothing and Uniforms; 25. Welders (Artisan Certificate); 26. Hardware Materials; 27. Plumbing (CIDB required); 28. Electrical, Construction/Maintenance (CIDB required); 29. Bookshop/Book Sellers; 30. Publishers; 31. Agriculture; 32. Steel; 33. Perishables Providers; 34. Furniture; 35. Borehole Drilling and Equipment"s; 36. Supply of household water; 37. Laboratory Chemicals and apparatus; 38. Tyre and Tyre Fitment Services; 39. Locksmith; 40. Supply of sand/stone and concrete; 41. Learnership (relevant accreditation suppliers must clearly indicate which area are they accredited for to offer learnership); 42. Training (Assessment results and certification accredited by SETA, Unit stands, Relevant and specific unit and qualifications standards must match training required and HRD service provider terms and requirements form must be understood and signed when bidding); 43. Property Valuation (EN) Aggiungi a preferiti

Numero: 113004446

Nazione: South Africa