Sistemi di trattamento delle acque reflue: appalti, appalti pubblici 2025


totale: 18
30 dec
Project to Modernize Seunggi Public Sewage Treatment Facilities (KR) Aggiungi a preferiti
Cliente: Public Procurement Service South Korea
24 dec
Project to Expansion Millak2 Public Sewage Treatment Facilities (KR) Aggiungi a preferiti
Cliente: Public Procurement Service South Korea
28 nov
Supply of gas to use at the following facilities Toba Sewage Treatment Plant (EN) Aggiungi a preferiti
Cliente: Procurement Notices of Japanese Local Government

Numero: 114969464

Nazione: Japan

Fonte: Procurement Notices of Japanese Local Government

12 jul

Numero: 107286478

Nazione: Japan

Fonte: Procurement Notices of Japanese Local Government

26 jan
Supply of gas to use at the following facilities Toba Sewage Treatment Plant (EN) Aggiungi a preferiti
Cliente: Procurement Notices of Japanese Local Government

Numero: 98443871

Nazione: Japan

Fonte: Procurement Notices of Japanese Local Government

28 nov
Supply of gas to use at the following facilities Toba Sewage Treatment Plant (EN) Aggiungi a preferiti
Cliente: Procurement Notices of Japanese Local Government

Numero: 95059880

Nazione: Japan

Fonte: Procurement Notices of Japanese Local Government

01 nov

Numero: 93429698

Nazione: Japan

Fonte: Procurement Notices of Japanese Local Government

14 aug
Construction of Facilities (Construction of Sewage Treatment Plant), LPH-Gen. J. Cailles Memorial District Hospital, Pakil, Laguna (UK) Aggiungi a preferiti
Prezzo del contratto iniziale : 426 201 (EUR)
Importo originario: 24 644 559 (PHP)

27 jun
Construction of Facilities (Construction of Sewage Treatment Plant), LPH-Nagcarlan District Hospital, Nagcarlan, Laguna (UK) Aggiungi a preferiti
Prezzo del contratto iniziale : 428 701 (EUR)
Importo originario: 24 789 104 (PHP)

29 nov
Supply of gas to use at the following facilities Toba Sewage Treatment Plant (EN) Aggiungi a preferiti
Cliente: Procurement Notices of Japanese Local Government

Numero: 74575753

Nazione: Japan

Fonte: Procurement Notices of Japanese Local Government