su prodotti alcolici: appalti, appalti pubblici 2025


totale: 55
30 aug
Re-advertisement: The World Bank Group invites eligible firms for the following: Pharmaceutical Industry Diagnostic: South Africa. The consulting firm is required to assess and benchmark SA’s competitiveness and carve out a road map to scale investment in the following sub sectors: Prescriptive medicines; medical devices; Vaccines and Injectables. It will provide the Government of South Africa; and key market players with a set of prioritized recommendations to guide a phased industry development. The diagnostic will also assess supporting and complementary industries providing local materials and inputs by focusing the analysis on the raw materials where SA has a comparative advantage; including: (i) active ingredients for the different types of pharmaceutical products; (ii) inactive ingredients including acids; concentrates; and other excipients; and (iii) consumables including vials; sterile bottles; syringes; rubber stoppers; cotton; and alcohol-based products. The diagnostic will include a capacity assessment of the existing research and development (R&D) capabilities; and human capital for pharmaceutical manufacturing in both the public and the private sectors. Ultimately the diagnostics will provide a roadmap concerted and validated by key stakeholders detailing a phased-out approach; including actions and reforms necessary to unlock the potential of manufacturing of medicines; essential equipment in South Africa; and how to access markets on the African continent. Country: South Africa. Please note that this bid was published late. (EN) Aggiungi a preferiti

Numero: 110077742

Nazione: South Africa


07 aug
Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Road Bulk Transport for PetroSA. Scope: PetroSA requires the transportation of various products from its loading points to various destinations both domestically and internationally. Transport Requirements: 1. The Contractor is required to provide a 24-hour service, 7 days a week, as and when required. PetroSA shall provide the Contractor with 48-hour notice in which to commence the provision of the service. Sufficient backup or contingency plans must be made so as not to disrupt service in the case of breakdowns or maintenance, 2. In the event that the Supplier is unable to meet the service level for whatever reason, PetroSA reserves the right to contract a 3rd party to provide the service and any additional costs of such a service will be recovered from the Supplier. Penalties for non-delivery imposed on PetroSA by customers shall be recovered from the Supplier and PetroSA reserves the right to set-off such amounts from monies owed to the Supplier. Vehicle Requirements: 1. The vehicle is fit for the purpose and has a planned service and preventative maintenance schedule. The vehicle must always be in a legal and roadworthy condition. Individual fleet files must be maintained on the operating site, 2. Operate all vehicles in accordance with the operational requirements and SANS standards at all times for loading, offloading, and transport of hazardous goods and obeying South African traffic regulations, 3. The vehicles and trailers must have the safe loading pass certification, 4. Loads do not exceed manufacturer’s specifications and legal limits for the vehicle, 5. All vehicles must be fitted with a fully functional tachograph. A tachograph management system must be in place, clearly demonstrating correct tachograph analysis, and corrective actions recorded, 6. Vehicles must be fitted with fully functional satellite tracking devices. Driver Requirements: 1. Drivers must be appropriately assessed, licensed, trained, and medically fit to operate the vehicle, 2. Drivers must be appropriately rested and alert, 3. Cellular telephones are not to be used in demarcated areas around the loading gantry, return areas at the Loading Point, and within 15 meters of the Offloading points and tank connections at the Offloading Point, 4. Adherence to road regulations whilst transporting hazardous materials, 5. Drivers must not be under the influence of alcohol or drugs, or any other substance or medication that could impair their ability to drive. Operational Requirements: 1. Details of the fleet which you propose to use, vehicle size, registration, age, and capacity should be given in a table format, 2. The contractor has the responsibility for carrying out regular inspections plus preventative maintenance and inspection of all vehicles. Please supply full details of how and where this maintenance will be carried out and by whom, 3. Provide contingency plans for dealing with vehicle breakdowns. 4. Give the address of where you propose to base your vehicles, 5. Supply full details of your Health and Safety policy, 6. Submit details of your Emergency Response procedures and infrastructure, 7. Supply details of all training given to drivers, including a list of all protective clothing issued to drivers, 8. Supply details of the organizational structure supporting the proposed operation, including job title, key responsibilities, and location, 9. Provide a “method statement” of how you will run the day-to-day operation, indicating the degree of flexibility you have to cope with any changes PetroSA may wish to make. (EN) Aggiungi a preferiti

Numero: 108730994

Nazione: South Africa