E-mail: m.khan@thecpc.ac.uk
Telefono: +44 1619740949
United KingdomCittà: Salford
Indirizzo: Crescent Purchasing Consortium (CPC)
Technology House, Lissadel Street
M6 6AP
United Kingdom
Contact point(s): M6 6AP
Telephone: +44 1619740949
E-mail: m.khan@thecpc.ac.uk
Fax: +44 1612955599
Internet address(es):General address: www.thecpc.ac.uk
Address of the buyer profile: https://in-tendhost.co.uk/cpc/aspx/Home
Contratti : 103
offerte: 203
Fonte: TEDIl sito pubblica informazioni sui contratti in modo selettivo.