E-mail: louise.hayter@rotherham.gov.uk
Telefono: +44 1709334173
Nazione: United KingdomCittà: Rotherham
Indirizzo: Rotherham MBC
Riverside House, Main Street
S60 1AE
United Kingdom
Contact point(s): S60 1AE
For the attention of: Miss Louise Hayter
Telephone: +44 1709334173
E-mail: louise.hayter@rotherham.gov.uk
Fax: +44 1709334173
Internet address(es):General address: http://www.rotherham.gov.uk/
Address of the buyer profile: http://www.yortender.co.uk
Electronic access to information: http://www.yortender.co.uk
Electronic submission of tenders and requests to participate: http://www.yortender.co.uk
Contratti : 73
offerte: 249
Fonte: TEDIl sito pubblica informazioni sui contratti in modo selettivo.